BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Configuration Guide

Importing revisions

Separate documents that represent prior revisions of the same document can be imported into a vault in several ways.

The options of the Database Import Wizard determine:

  • Whether or not revisions are created from imported documents
  • Whether revisions are imported as new documents or imported to the history of the same document
  • Whether imported revisions should be created as derivatives or replacements of existing documents
  • How imported revisions and existing documents are matched based on the source database

To import document revisions:

  • On the Revisions page in the Database Import Wizard, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Revision import options
Option Description

Import revisions as separate documents

Does not import revisions into the history of other documents. This option is most useful if the vault was configured to not retain history when it was created as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.

Import only the latest revision

Only the revision with the highest revision number will be imported and become the current revision.

Import revisions into the history of the same document

The revision with the highest revision number will be imported as the current revision. All other revisions will be imported into the history of this document. This option is only enabled if the vault was configured to retain history when it was created as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.

Import revisions as derivatives of the same document

Imports revisions as derivatives of the document with the highest revision number. For information on derived documents, see BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide. This option is most useful if the vault was configured to not retain history when it was created as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.

Import revisions as replacements of the same document

Imports revisions as replacements of the document with the highest revision number. For information on replaced documents, see BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide. This option is most useful if the vault was configured to not retain history when it was created as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.

Database field that identifies individual documents

The field in the source database that contains the same value for all revisions of the same document, such as the document name or number.

Note    If the database contains identical values in variations of upper case and lower case characters, the option Case-sensitive is shown. Select this option if you want all case variations of the same value to be imported as separate documents. Clear this option if you only want one document (the first occurrence) imported. The limitation against duplicate file names (case-insensitive) in the same folder will still apply and could result in numbered file name suffixes (for example, MyDocument (1).doc).

Note    This field must be a String data type. Selecting a Memo type field will produce unpredictable results.

Database field containing the number of each revision number

The field in the source database that identifies the individual revisions of the same document.

Note    This field must be a String data type. Selecting a Memo type field will produce unpredictable results.

Order revisions by

Select this option and select a field from the list to determine the sort order of revisions in history. Typically, this is the same field as selected for the Database field containing the number of each revision number option.

Note    This field must be a String data type. Selecting a Date or Memo type field will produce unpredictable results.